Saturday, August 18, 2012

Gardens beneath which rivers flow

"Their reward with Allah will be gardens of perpetual residence beneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide forever, Allah being pleased with them and they with Him. That is for whoever has feared his Lord." (98:8)

جَنَّاتُ عَدْنٍ تَجْرِي مِنْ تَحْتِهَا الْأَنْهَارُ
gardens of perpetual residence beneath which rivers flow

This description of gardens beneath which rivers flow comes many times in the Quran.  But many people simply overlook this ayah [verse] and simply move on, but there is wisdom here which is quite profound. [1]

The most expensive properties anywhere contain a pool and a nice lawn, have lakefronts or riverfronts, large front yards and backyards with beautiful landscaping - these are gardens and rivers.  It is a human obsession to have them. [1]

Typically, when one goes on vacation, they like to go to places where there is plentiful nature and a water feature such as waterfalls, rivers, lakes, or the ocean. [1]

Contrary to those who say that the Quran promises primitive rewards, these are embedded within our psyche.  Even in modern times, why is it that humans are still obsessed with gardens and water? [1]

Allah is offering us what we wanted all along. [1]

خَالِدِينَ فِيهَا أَبَدًا
wherein they will abide forever

A place of permanent residence is also sought after by all peoples.  They want stability, a place where they can 'settle down.'  We all want to have big houses, but also desire peace, stability and calm.  [1]

Allah promises us stable residences with gardens and flowing rivers, where we don't need to worry about any thing. [1]

Sayyid Qutb in his explanation of the verse states, "These gardens are a specially prepared, permanent and happy dwelling. Happiness is symbolized here by security against death and by a prevalent feeling of contentment as against anxiety which mars and disrupts all earthly comforts. It is also symbolized by the running waters flowing through these gardens; a picture which adds a sense of ease, life and beauty." [2]

Frank Lloyd Wright's Falling Water

The image is above of Frank Lloyd Wright's architectural masterpiece, Falling Water, which is one the most celebrated works of architecture of the 20th century.  The is house is entrenched in the river bank bedrock, giving it stability.  The long overhangs provide great views of the surrounding forest.  The river below adds to the uniqueness of the house.  Many of us would covet such a house, but what Allah has prepared for the believers is far greater than anything that is in this world.

May Allah allows us to be of those who fear him.

  1. Nouman Ali Khan, Tafseer Surah 098 – Bayyinah Part 2, Lecture posted on, published 6 Jan. 2010. <>
  2. Sayyid Qutb, In the shade of the Quran, Vol 18, p220

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